Thursday, December 1, 2011

Gingerbread Drama

Tyler was very excited to make gingerbread houses at his playgroup today. When Kristin picked him up, he couldn't wait to take a picture to send to the family:
Moments later, after a freak stroller and balancing accident... Tyler's smile changed (as did the construction of the gingerbread house):
Luckily, Kristin acted quickly and was able to restore the gingerbread to it's original form - which also restored Tyler's smile:
Tyler couldn't wait to eat the gingerbread house after dinner...and he ate the whole thing :).


  1. That is hilarious. Love the progression of pictures. Good thing the house was restorable! :)

  2. hahahaha that picture of him crying with the smashed house is so funny! poor kid. glad hes got such a great mom that can fix anything
