Friday, September 23, 2011

Tyler's Wish

After I turned off the light to put Tyler to bed last night, right before I left the room, Tyler sighed and said:

"Dad, I wish that you could be an Autobot like Tyler, Mom and Rigby."

Ha, hopefully I can reach "Autobot" status like the rest of my family soon.


  1. haha that is awesome! Poor dad...the odd man out of the family! haha I love how he is a different transformer every day!

  2. hahahaha! well it didnt take riggers long to get from deceptacon to autobot so im sure you will progress from ghost in no time.

  3. Maybe it's all that swimming in the big pool that's holding you back.

  4. Harsh reality of parenting....Dad may not always be ranked among the "good guys". Warning....he's not even a teenager yet!
